Stand Strong
Stand Strong is built on the philosophy that anyone can train like an athlete. We believe an athlete is someone who trains with purpose and has the determination to get up each day and keep striving! If you learned how to walk, you know what it takes to be an athlete. You just might need to rediscover the part of yourself that will not accept failure, the part that will fall down and get up again & again. Find the innate part of yourself that refuses to crawl & soon you will be running.
At Stand Strong we believe when individuals come together to create a strong, supportive and inclusive community, that anything is possible. Together, we are always stronger!

We Offer Coaching for...

"Too busy to train," you say? Three to four+ workouts a week is best, but even one well planned, CONSISTENT weekly workout combined with 5-10 minutes a day of movement at home will get you headed in the right direction. At Stand Strong we are ready to meet you where you are on your health & fitness journey and help you get to where you want to go - one achievement at a time. Set a mini goal that supports a bigger goal, achieve it, and move forward!

The basic fitness aspects of physical health lay the foundation for safely developing the more advanced skill components needed for athleticism. The Stand Strong Athletic Physical testing protocol tells us where athletes are & what is needed to improve. At Stand Strong we recognize that athletes today are often "overskilled" in relationship to basic fitness levels. Addressing this imbalance decreases injury risk & increases performance.

Want to get stronger simply to improve your confidence & quality of life? Have you always wanted to bench big plates? Squat your bodyweight, 2X your bodyweight or even 3X? Break a state or National record? Win a National Championship? Whatever your goal is, our coaches have experience coaching & competing on national & international platforms and the formal performance education to back it up. Online, in person, & hybrid coaching available.